THE ADVENTURES OF BARSAK THE DWARF Written by P.& V. Napolitano Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version) Scenario In ancient days of the mythological underworld the dwarfs held the nine treasures. Now Barsak seeks the lost treasures again. To complete the adventure you must wear or carry all nine of the treasures and sign the book at the end. Notes There are a number of red herrings in the game. They are: pitchfork, wooden shaft, dress, stuffed hobbit, broken halbard, jester's stick, rope, old barrel, gate, dog's head, human leg, fur coat. Walk Through (Start on the forest road), INVENTORY (you are carrying a battle- axe), N (into the castle), NE, NW (northern grounds), GET HOOK (and line), SE, SW, N, N (castle courtyard), NE (you're feeling hungry), S (soldier’s mess), GET PICKLES (jar), EAT PICKLES (that's better), DROP JAR, N, SW, U (eastern battlements), S, W, W, N, N (northwestern tower), GET SPADE, GET LANTERN, S, S, E, E, N, D (courtyard), N (keep), ON LANTERN, D (long corridor), E, N (dungeon), GET SKELETON, S, W, S (prayer room - note the painting of the skeletal ferryman), STYX (there's a tingling sensation), INVENTORY (you now have a jade skeleton, but are thirsty), SCORE (11%), PRAY (you are transported to an immense cavern), S, D (slime cave), GET WATER (pouch), DRINK WATER (that's better), DROP POUCH, U (cave of crystals), USE AXE (you swing the axe and crack the rock), DROP AXE, LOOK, GET DIAMOND (giant), SCORE (22%). N (back to immense cavern), FISH (in the pool with the hook and line... you catch a tiddler), DROP HOOK (and line), DROP SPADE, PRAY (you are transported back to the prayer room), N, U (keep), U (guard's room), E, N (guard's bedroom), GET FOIL (rusty), S, U, W, U, E (royal nursery), GET TEDDY (bear), U, W, N (royal observatory), GET FERTILISER (packet), S, E, D, W, D, E, D, W, D, D, W, S (larder), GET CHEESE (mouldy), N, E, S (back to prayer room), PRAY (you are transported to the immense cavern), SE, SW, SE (man-made cavern - a zombie is here), DROP TEDDY (the zombie takes the teddy and gives you something in return), INVENTORY (it was a dwarfish belt), WEAR BELT, SCORE (33%), NE (you are in a rat's nest with a pack of hungry rats), DROP CHEESE (they eat the cheese from around a key), LOOK, GET KEY (small), SW, NW, NE, NW (back to immense cavern), GET FISH, SE, SW, SE, S (sandy shore - note if you try to cross the lake without carrying the fish you drown), CROSS LAKE (a helpful dolphin takes your fish and carries you across), S (ferrymaster's lair), GET BOX, UNLOCK BOX (something drops to the ground), LOOK, DROP BOX, DROP KEY, GET SWORD (glowing), SCORE (44%). SE (dragon's lair), S (edge of deep chasm - a withered plant is here), USE FERTILISER (the plant grows at an amazing rate and spans the chasm like a living bridge), CROSS BRIDGE (south side of chasm), S, S, S (village clearing), W (a dozy barbarian is here), SING (he falls asleep), E, S, SW (elder's hut - the chieftain is here), THROW FOIL (you kill him), NE, N, N, N, N, CROSS BRIDGE, N, NW, N, CROSS LAKE (the dolphin remembers you and carries you across for nothing), N, NW, NE, NEW (back to immense cavern), GET HOOK (and line), FISH (you catch another tiddler), DROP HOOK (and line), GET FISH, GET SPADE, S (crystals cave), GET AXE, E, SW, SE, S (sandy shore), CROSS LAKE (again the helpful dolphin takes the fish and carries you across), S, SE, S (chasm), CROSS BRIDGE, S, S, S (village clearing), S, SE (chieftain’s hut where you see a sealed wooden chest - note this only appears after you've killed the chief), SMASH CHEST (using the axe), LOOK, GET CROWN (elfish), WEAR CROWN, SCORE (55%). NW, SW, S (village path), S (large plain by an old burial ground), DROP SPADE, SE, SE (temple steps), U (temple gate), S, E (priest's quarters - a mad monk is here), KILL MONK (with the axe), LOOK, GET ROBE, WEAR ROBE, W (altar), PUSH ALTAR (a hole appears... note you must be wearing the robe to do this), D (hidden room), SE, SW (crossroads - a giant ogre is here), USE SWORD (as the sword touches the ogre he bursts into flames), LOOK, GET QUILL (silvery), SCORE (66%), SE (scroll room), GET SCROLL, READ SCROLL (says "Trails are better than snares"), NW, NW (priest's study), USE QUILL (with the scroll... there's a flash of light), LOOK, DROP SCROLL, GET POT (magic ink pot), SCORE (77%). SE, SW, E (T-junction), S (maze of corridors), SW, DROP AXE, GET CORPSE, S, N (back to T-junction), E, NW, NW, NE, N, U, N (temple gate), D, NW, NW (large plain where the burial mound is), DROP LANTERN, GET SPADE, (bury corpse - as you bury it you dig up something), LOOK, DROP SPADE, GET CLOAK (mithril), WEAR CLOAK, GET LANTERN, SCORE (88%), SE, SE, U, S, D (hidden room), S, SW, SE, SE, W, S (back to the maze of corridors), SW, GET AXE, D, NW (intersection), SW (artefact room), DROP AXE, GET IDOL (stone), SE (a king cobra is here), WAVE IDOL (the cobra sees the idol and is turned into stone), DROP IDOL, N (temple treasure room), GET NECKLACE (ruby), WEAR NECKLACE, SCORE (99%). W, GET AXE, SE, S (rune room), SW, SE (into maze of Illusions), NE, D, SW, W (passage with writing on the walls), S (ante room), DROP AXE, GET AXE, LOOK (now see a gateway), ENTER GATEWAY (book room - the door disappears and the room is sealed), OFF LANTERN, SIGN BOOK. WELL DONE BARSAK SCORE 100%