TRIAL OF ARNOLD BLACKWOOD (Arnold the Adventurer II) Written by Colin Harris (Delbert the Hamster Software) Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (Spectrum Version) Scenario Arnold has a lump on his head and cannot remember why Lord Erebus has summoned him and must work out what he requires you to do. Notes 1. Part two uses many of the same locations and characters as its predecessor, though Arnold's actions have some changes. 2. The sailor is a red herring. Walk Through (Start in your humble abode), EXAMINE STOVE, EXAMINE UNDER STOVE (find match), GET MATCH, EXAMINE MATCH, EXAMINE TABLE, EXAMINE CHAIR, SIT ON CHAIR (one of the legs snaps off), GET CHAIR LEG, EXAMINE CHAIR LEG, EXAMINE BED, E (garden), EXAMINE VEGETABLES (you find a misplaced spade lying between them), GET SPADE, N (road), E, READ SIGNPOST, SE (iron gate), S (gravel driveway), SE (mansion ruins), EXAMINE RUBBLE (find a rock), GET ROCK, EXAMINE ROCK, NW, N, NW (back to signpost), N (almost straight road), N (entering the town where you see a small hamster cage net to the bridge), EXAMINE CAGE (see sawdust and a hamster wheel),, GET SAWDUST, GET WHEEL, S, E (field where you meet a farmer standing next to his broken cart), TALK TO FARMER (his cart is knackered), GIVE WHEEL TO FARMER (he drives off), S (next to barn), DIG (find a valuable gold piece), GET GOLD PIECE, E (barn), EXAMINE STRAW, BURN STRAW, GET SPOON, W, N, NE (outside mansion where the man you lent a coin to in Part 1 and who is now wealthy, gives you a shiny coin), EXAMINE COIN, SW, W (back to road). N, N, N (market place where you meet the hermit from part 1 to whom you gave a cabbage and who now has his own stall… he throws you a cabbage), EXAMINE CABBAGE, E, N (Dancing Adventurer Inn where you meet a cockney), EXAMINE COCKNEY, EXAMINE PIANO (see lid), LIFT LID (you nick a wire), EXAMINE WIRE, U (balcony), E (main bedroom), EXAMINE RUG (tatty), LIFT RUG (reveals some creaky floorboards), EXAMINE FLOORBOARDS (may be something under them), EXAMINE UNDER BED (find a pen), GET PEN, EXAMINE PEN (made of strong titanium steel), PRISE FLOORBOARD WITH PEN (using the extremely strong pen you lever up one of the floorboards), INSERT HAND (in the hole – you pull out a map), GET MAP, READ MAP (shows the way through a dungeon), S (toilet), EXAMINE TOILET (see a chain), PULL CHAIN (it comes off in your hand), N, W, D, S (back outside). W (market place), EXAMINE STALLS, W (outside The Olde Shoppe), N (inside shop where a small green elf stands behind a counter), EXAMINE ELF, TALK TO ELF (you’re his first customer in two years), BUY AXE (he gives you pouch of oil too then locks up to go on holiday), E, N (meet a small boy holding some beans), EXAMINE BOY (he is upset), TALK TO BOY (only has beans to play with), GIVE CABBAGE TO BOY (the cabbage is much more fun and he gives you the beans), EXAMINE BEANS (Mexican jumping beans), N (bend in the street where you meet a sailor), EXAMINE SAILOR (wants you to find him something fishy – he’s red herring!), W (kennels), EXAMINE ATTENDANT (he never takes his eyes off you), BLOW SAWDUST (into his eyes and he runs from the room), N (see Tharg the wolf in a cage), EXAMINE THARG (he looks upset), TALK TO THARG (he’ll be put to sleep if not claimed by his master by dawn tomorrow), EXAMINE CAGE, EXAMINE DOOR (locked with a padlock), PICK LOCK (using the wire and and freeingTharg, who says you can rely on his service for the rest of your mission), S, E (back outside). N (meet an old woman), TALK TO WOMAN (won’t let you past unless you give her a spoon), GIVE SPOON (she runs off), N (you meet Halbert the hamster who gives you a magazine in thanks for releasing him in part one), EXAMINE MAGAZINE, S, S, S, S (market place), S, S, S, S, W, W, SW (lake shore), S, S (bottom of cliff where the now fully-grown eagle from part one drops a feather), GET FEATHER, EXAMINE FEATHER, N, N (lake shore), BOARD BOAT (you row across the lake to the other side), W (meet an adventurer), EXAMINE ADVENTURER (saying stupid things), TALK TO ADVENTURER, NW (the adventurer wants a magazine first), GIVE MAGAZINE, NW (river bank), CHOP TREE (using axe – it forms a bridge), W (across the bridge), N (foot of mountain), U, W (cave), NW (by stone wall), EXAMINE WALL (see footholes leading up the wall), CLIMB WALL (to ledge), W (by another wall), EAT BEANS, JUMP (to ledge where you see a closed door), EXAMINE DOOR (note if you open the door a boulder lands on your head and you die), TIE CHAIN TO HANDLE, PULL CHAIN (the door opens but the boulder misses you). E (lost in the many winding tunnels), READ MAP (using the map you correctly negotiate the dungeon tunnels), E (small room where you see a key on a shelf), GET KEY (it’s out of reach), THROW ROCK AT SHELF (it dislodges the key which falls to the ground), GET ROCK, GET KEY, EXAMINE KEY, W, N (outside cell where you meet a guard who says that you aren’t allowed in here and asks you to leave – don’t delay here or he chops your head off), TICKLE GUARD (using the leather you tickle him to death – as it says a silly solution!) EXAMINE GUARD (find a sword), GET SWORD, EXAMINE SWORD, UNLOCK DOOR (you enter the cell), EXAMINE BED, EXAMINE UNDER BED (you discover a tunnel dug with a teaspoon), D (into tunnel), SE (large cave where you see Winthorpe the wizard stuck in a large spider web), KILL SPIDER, CUT WEB (Winthorpe jumps free). E, N (bottom of steps), U (a large button is on the wall), PUSH BUTTON (the wall revolves and you find yourself in the mansion hallway), E, N (kitchen), OPEN CUPBOARD (find an interesting jam jar), GET JAR, EXAMINE JAR (empty), S, W, N (lounge), EXAMINE SOFA, EXAMINE ARMCHAIR, EXAMINE TV, EXAMINE BOOKCASE (find a handle behind one of the books), PULL HANDLE (stuck), OIL HANDLE, PULL HANDLE (bookcase moves to reveal a room to the north), N (secret room), CLIMB TABLE, U (through the hatch to the master bedroom), EXAMINE BED, EXAMINE WARDROBE, PUSH WARDROBE (find a secret tunnel behind it), E (stone corridor), E (bottom of steps), U (large room where you meet The Schwartze… Tharg jumps on him which gave Winthorpe enough time to zap the Schwartze with a shrinking spell), GET SCHWARTZE, PUT SCHWARTZE IN JAR (Winthorpe takes the jam jar and, saying a few silly words, makes it disappear… he has sent him to the Strange-Zone… peace has been restored to the land and the evil Schwartze has been vanquished for ever… or had he?) CONGRATULATIONS SCORE 100%