Free Software

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Important! All programs written for Windows (except the File Archivist Converter) need the vbrun100.dll file. If you don't have this, get it here and extract it to your Windows system directory.

Since the software is outdated:16bit software also runs on 32bit Windows, 32bit software (convert32.exe only) also runs on 64bit Windows (including Windows 10). You might need to start this as administrator or enable compatibility mode. For running 16bit software on Windows 10 you need to download Winevdm, run otvdmw.exe and start theese programs from there.

The ZIP-files include the executable binary and a short description.

File Program Description System Language File Archivist Converter
Since the cd-archiver File Archivist 5.0 by W-Soft has a bug which might cause data loss, you can use this programm for searching the File Archivist database and converting it into import files for alternative free software like CdCat or Disclib These files need to be extracted and started from the File Archivist directory. For more info please read the readme_converter.txt
Windows 16bit Englisch Big Ansi Sign Text 1.31
fixed a little bug
With this program you can make big text with ansi/ascii characters. You can paste this text into any application (IRC-Chat, Notepad). You can also create your own font.
Now it works also with Cassiopeia WWW-Chats.
Windows 16bit English/German Stunts Rekord Utility
You can write the highscores of Stunts (by Broderbund) into a text-file, and join your records with records of friends.
Windows 16bit English Compare
Compares each byte of two files.
Windows 16bit English Convert
Converts C64 text to Ansi, C64 Multiprog Data to Text, simple HTML to Ansi, removes return marks from files and other.
Windows 16/32bit English Vocabulary Trainer
Feed, quiz and print vocabulary.
Windows 16bit German Interest Calculation
A simple interest calculating program.
Windows 16bit German
reaktionstest Reaction Test
A simple reaction test for more players.
Commodore 128 German
joysticktest Joystick Test
Tests Commodore 128/64 joysticks.
Commodore 128 German

© 1998 by Martin Brunner