============================================= Awakening ============================================= Forum64 Game Competition 2015 ============================================= Game by Enduriion, Spider Jerusalem, The User ============================================= Solution by Flexman v1 2015-12-28 ============================================= ================ General comments ================ * = needs other action first **= done with the robot once you activated the robot, you can swith between the human and the robot by using the remote control. they can both be in different rooms. if you want to exchange objects you have to place the human in front of the robot ore vice versa to perform actions like "give welder to robot" or "give pipette to human". =============== Packet delivery =============== left give package to receptionist use badge with badge reader (on the left end of the screen) enter elevator use badge with badge reader exit elevator give package to receptionist enter elevator use badge with badge reader =============== Elevator crash =============== use ladder pick up metal rod (search it in front of the ladder) use metal rot with grating use shaft ===================== Alone in the building ===================== right: use knife with fire hose* left / walk down ladder 1st room: pick up toilet paper open padlock with red key (room 5) open and examine locker, get usb stick use toilet with toilet paper* 2nd room: pick up purple card key 3rd room: turn on and examine screens use pc (3rd computer) with usb stick examine 1st screen (after you have the password of the post it)* 4rd room: open with purple key card after fixing fuse use pc with usb stick 5th room: examine red phone and get the red key 6th door: leads into staircase u4 right: open right fuse box and turn fuse on left:* get in with robot, 1st door left get screwdriver from tool box** 4th door use welder with hole** use paper towels with radioactive goo** after you removed the readioactive goo, you can get in with the girl and: use screwdriver with grating examine grating u3 right: pick up welder left: use valve with metal rod left x3: examine and pull robot torso left x4: use robot with usb stick, pick up gas tank, use welder with gas tank use welder with hose give welder to robot give knife to robot use remote control u2: right: check Final if you finished all the other actions u1 right: right x2: pickup knife (on table) bathroom: examine bin u0 use welder with door** ===== Final ===== takes place in U2-Right: use shaker with wet paper* pick up pipette** use pipette with puddle** use shaker with pipette** use radioactive goo with shaker** turn on shaker use pipette with shaker you now have the serum! make sure the human has the pipette with the serum walk up, go through the door at the top floor. you find yourself in the entrance hall where you can go left and are able to walk out of the door now