=================== Peyha - The King 2021 by VCC =================== Solution by Flexman =================== Screen 1: --------- Go to the little girl (top right) and say: "Hi little girl!" "I like to have some fun!" "Hm, maybe?" "Yes, I love it!" Then walk up to the next screen. Screen 2: --------- Talk to the girl on the left: "Hi, something off, kid?" "...join the kids here?" "I can hel you with that!" Talk to the left girl of the kids with the ball three times, thet it will stark talking with you: "That kid wants to join." "Oh othing, sorry!" Talk to the right girl then: "How are you?" "This is for you three." You can now leave this screen if you go right. Screen 3: --------- Talk to the right guard until he will tell you that you get papers behind the wall. Talk to the left guard. "Hello. I want to pass." "He won't let me pass." (and then you only have one option anyway) Talk to the right guard again, and always chose the 1st option. He'll let you in. Screen 4: --------- Listen to the man on the left and keep listening until you can chose "Than you for the story!" Talk to the left guard: "Let me pass please!" "Admiral." You can walk through the door. If you end up in the same room it is a bug and you can try to enter the door more on the right side. Screen 5: --------- You can talk to the minister who will tell you about the unsatisfying end of the story. You can also talk to two other people on the screen but that's it.